Llanganuco – Santa Cruz

Andes Camping Expeditions Llanganuco-Santa-Cruz-trek
Andes Camping Expeditions scheduling 1


4 Days
Andes Camping Expeditions difficulty 2


Andes Camping Expeditions route 3

Approach Route

Quebrada Llanganuco-Santa Cruz
Andes Camping Expeditions peak 4

Highest Pass

Paso Punta Unión 4750 m.s.n.m
Andes Camping Expeditions weather 5

Recommended Time of Year

March – November


Day 1:Huaraz – Cashapampa – Llamacorral.
We will slowly walk up the first valley for a total walking time of 4 to 5 hours for an easy first day.

Day 2: Llama Corral 3760 m – Taullipampa 4250 m .
Today we will pass by two lakes, Jatuncocha and Ichiccocha, at 3900 and 3850 meters. Fro m these lakes there are good views of Quitaraju, ALPAMAYO, Pucahirca, Taullipampa, Artesonraju, Santa Cruz, etc. Expect to walk five or six hours

Day 3: Taullipampa 4250 m – Quebrada Paria 3810 m.
On day three, we will make the highest pass of the hike, Punta Union, at 4750 meters. From this vantage point many peaks are seen, walking time will be six to seven hours.

Day 4:Quebrada Paria 3810 m. – Vaquería 3750 m.- Huaraz. .
On the last day, there will be excellent views Chacraraju, the traditional village of de Vaquería – Llanganuco (Chinancocha and Orconcocha) as well as Huandoy, Huascaran, and Chopicalqui. Four to five hours of walking, followed by transport to Huaraz by bus.

Booking by email


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