Cordillera Huayhuash – Cajatambo

Andes Camping Expeditions huayhuash-cajatambo-trekking
Andes Camping Expeditions scheduling 1


10 Days
Andes Camping Expeditions difficulty 2


Moderate to Difficult
Andes Camping Expeditions route 3

Approach Route

Chiquian – Llamac
Andes Camping Expeditions peak 4

Highest Pass

Siula pass 4850 meters
Andes Camping Expeditions weather 5

Recommended Time of Year

April – October

Length: 10 Days
Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult
Highest Pass: Siula Pass 4850.
Recommended Time of Year: April – October
Approach Route: Chiquian – Llamac


Day 1: Visit to Lake Churup, 4450 m.
Before starting Huayhuash, we will go to the lake of Churup, just outside of Huaraz. We will ascend through traditional Andean villages such as: Nueva Florida, Unchus and Llupa. It is from Pitec where we will start the walk of around two and a half hours, sometimes climbing up short rock walls, in order to reach the lake. We will spend around an hour at the lake, enjoying the views of the mountains, and then return to Huaraz. The rest of the evening will be spent organizing materials for the trek.

Day 2: Huaraz – Chiquian 3400 m. – Llamac 3250 m.
Leave from Huaraz with destination of Chiquian to the south. On the way, we will pass small cities such Recuay, Ticapampa, and Catac. After Catac, we will get to a large lake called Conococha, from which we will get our first glimpse of the Huayhuash Range. After arriving to Chiquian, we drive to our first campsite in Llamac, 3250 meters.

Day 3: Llamac 3250 m. – Paso de Pampa Llamac 4300 m. – Jahuacocha 4100 m.
We leave Llamac early today and make our first pass, also named Llamac, at 4300 meters. From here we will have the first clear view of Rondoy, Jirishanca, Yerupajá Chico, Yerupajá Grande, Rasac, etc., We will camp at a lake called Jahuacocha after walking six to seven hours.

Day 4: Jahuacocha 4100 m.- PASO SAMBUNYA -Cuartelhuain 4100 m.
Today’s walking time will be approximately six hours. After leaving our campsite, we will pass by another lake called Solterococha and soon after make the next pass called Sambuya, 4750 meters. From the top we will see Rondoy and Jirishanca. Our campsite for the night is called Cuartelhuain.

Day 5: Cuartelhuain 4100 m.-Lake Mitucocha.
Again, today expect to walk around six hours, including the pass of Cacananpunta, 4700m. Good views of the lakes Pucacocha, yanacocha Chico and grande. Our campsite will be the lake of Mitucocha.

Day 6: Laguna Mitucocha – Punta Carhuac 4650 m. – Laguna de Carhuacocha 4100 m.
The pass today is called Carhuac, and is about 4650 meters in altitude. After coming down from it, we pass the small town of Janca. Shortly after this, we make the second pass of the day, Carhuac, 4650 meters. After going down the Yanayana Valley, we will arrive at the spectacular Carhuacocha Lake in time to catch the sunset on the Jirishanca Chico, Jirishanca Grande, Yerupajá Chico, Yerupajá Grande, Siulá and Carnicero peaks. Seven to eight hours of walking for the day.

Day 7: Carhuacocha Lake 4100 m. – Siulá Pass 4850 m. – Huayhuash 4350 m.
Today we will go over the alternate Siula Pass, 4850 meters. During this walk, we will be able to see the lakes of Grangacocha, Siulacocha y Quesillococha, as well as the peaks of Jirishanca Chico, Jirishanca Grande, Yerupajá Chico, Toro, Yerupajá Grande, Siulá y Carnicero, etc… When we get to the top of the pass, there will be an incredible panoramic view of the three lakes, and the mountains. We will arrive to our campsite around dusk after seven to eight hours of walking.

Day 8: Huayhuash 4350 m. – Portachuelo Pass 4750 m. – Lake Viconga 4400 m.
Our fourth pass is called Portachuelo de Huayhuash, or Ararj, 4750 meters. From here the peaks of Carnicero, Jurau, Trapecio, Puscanturpas, Cuyoc, Millpo, will be visible. We will pass by the banks of Viconga Lake, and camp a little farther down from it. There are thermal baths close to the campsite to enjoy after a day of five to six hours of walking.

Day 9: Laguna Viconga 4400 m. – Paso de San Cristóbal 4150 m. – Cajatambo 3380 m.
Descenso a lo largo del valle de Pumarinri, de ahí se empieza a subir para hacer el séptimo paso de San Cristóbal 4150 m., para luego descender al Pueblo de Cajatambo 3380 m. Traslado a un hotel. Caminata aproximada de 5 a 6 hours.

Day 10: Cajatambo – Pativilca – Huaraz o Lima.
Bus to the coast and later to Huaraz.

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